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Michael Wishart
Hi Joe
Have seen many and varied increases in exposures over the years, some related to devices (such as introduction of pen needles), some to changes in practice (increase in IM medication use due to drug changes). Also have seen increases due to better reporting (mainly in theatre areas with surgeons and anaesthetists).
Have worked in many facilities that use microscopes / loupes/ magnifying headsets and even robots, and not seen an increase in needlesticks or a cluster of needlesticks relating to use of these. Handling of any sharps during procedures is always an issue, and strategies surrounding this include good communication within the operating team (discussing sharps handling before the procedure is useful), use of safety devices where available, and use of transfer trays and safe zones. I would suggest that handling sharps where vision is limited comes mainly under the communication one, and partly also safe zones. A bit like not putting any part of your body over the zone in which hand suturing is occurring, to allow the operator to pull upwards safely with their stitch as needed. It is about raising awareness of staff involved in the procedure as to where the sharps may be, and what needs to happen to maintain safety.
Good luck with this.
Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3607 2226
e: Michael.Wishart@hsn.org.au
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Good morning everyone
Just curious to find out if any other healthcare facilities have ever experienced an abnormal increase in occupational exposures at any time? What were the common contributing factors and were they linked?
Also, for healthcare facilities that are performing surgery with microscopes or loupes – have you had occupational exposures when staff move sharps outside their field of vision? If you have, what strategies did you put in place to reduce the risk?
Joe-anne Bendall | Clinical Nurse Consultant Infection Prevention and Control
Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital|* ph +61 2 9382 7199 |page 22070 via switch 9382 7111| 7 Fax 93827510 |
Mobile 0418984255 | * Joe-anne.Bendall@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU
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