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Re: Negative ventilation room monitoring

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Sony SO

Sony SO




Dear All,

We would like to know, if isolation rooms are equipped with pressure stabilizer i.e. the louvers, whether the smoke test is necessary? Video clip for the louver (installed outside of isolation room) is taken when HVAC is activated


Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital, HK SAR, CHINA
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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Hi Samantha.

We are about to recommence smoke testing of these rooms again, I think it just fell off the radar for a while.
The engineering folks are responsible for this, they just generate a work order which flags every month.
There is also a dial outside the room, when we have someone in there for airborne precautions, we make sure it is in good working order. Most of the time, these rooms are used for non airborne precautions.
We also randomly audit these rooms when we are doing area audits.

Sandi Millington.
Available Mon, Tue and Thur.Acting Regional Infection Control CN.
Geraldton Hospital. 99562437.

We are currently reviewing our Negative ventilation room policy.
According to the Victorian Department of Health Guidelines for the classification and design of isolation rooms in health care facilities 2007, section 5.8 states:
“When a room is occupied, smoke tests should be carried out monthly in addition to continuous electronic monitoring of room pressure, and daily monitoring and documentation of room and anteroom pressures by nursing staff. When a room is not occupied, room pressure should be checked monthly.”
At St Vincent’s we do not currently perform monthly smoke testing, and are wondering if anyone routinely performs this.

Samantha Palmby | Infection Control Consultant
St Vincent’s | 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065
t: +61 3 9288 4063 | f: +61 3 9288 4068 |


Samantha Palmby | Infection Control Consultant
St Vincent’s | 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065
t: +61 3 9288 4063 | f: +61 3 9288 4068 |


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