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Re: Laundry detergent

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Tozer, Jennifer (Health)

Tozer, Jennifer (Health)




It’s my understanding that once the wash and rinse cycle is completed there is no need for the machine to have either a wipe out or empty wash cycle before the next user. Our rehab units utilise domestic washing machines and use the same parameters for washing their clothes as you would in the home. Most bio-load (but maybe not stains) is lost in the wash cycle as combination of sudsing effect and surfactant effect from the detergent combined with the movement of the water, then rinsed off and away in the rinse cycle [99% lost in the wash…] No need for disinfectant. Some of our clients have in the past done an empty cycle before using the machine for their own clothes. But, why would you if you’re willing to put items into a commercial wash house – washing machine. Might I also say that the water to washing machines is not through a mixer and so the machine (if modern) will mix the water to the parameters of the wash cycle on the individual machine. Another thing, rehab units are about normalisation, there philosophy is in my experience ‘if you don’t do in your normal environment (the home) don’t bring it into the rehab unit’ and we have this philosophy embedded policies for rehabilitation sites. Jen

Jennifer K Tozer
BArts Anthro,RN,MHN,IC cert
Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
Mental Health Directorate
Adelaide Health Service

Telephone (08) 8282 0474
Facsimile (08) 8282 0499
mobile 0423 782 171


Hi Marlize

I suppose the question has to be asked: what will they be washing in this washing machine? If it is their own personal clothes, why do you require a disinfecting additive? If it is not a commercial washing machine with automatically dispensed and monitored chemical (which I would think would be unsuitable for a rehabilitation program, unless they were all laundry workers or return to work programs….), and is not used for commercial washing (eg someone pays for the service provided) then it only needs to be similar to domestic standards, not commercial. That is my understanding, anyway. If the patients were using a Laundromat they would not need to use a disinfectant, and someone else’s clothes have been washed in the previous cycle.

Just my thoughts. If you are still wanting a commercial grade chemical disinfectant for laundries, I would be contacting a commercial laundry for some suggestions.


Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3326 3523
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Good afternoon Everyone,

Our Rehab Unit has purchased a washing maschine as part of their rehab program for inpatients. I need to find a detergent with disinfecting qualities. Is there anyone that can help me with the name of a product or company that I can contact?

Thank you

Marlize Senekal
Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital
457 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill
Ph. 07-3834 4444
Ext. 4328, Pg. 0328


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