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Re: Isolating VRE Patients

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Sony SO

Sony SO





Based on currently available evidence, VRE in Hong Kong manifests as small/ medium sized clusters occurring in a few hospitals. And our strategy is promptly strict isolation once VRE case is found, for details, please visit CHP website

Furthermore, to minimize infection risk, we will input relevant information for VRE positive in patient’s e-record. If patient with VRE is readmitted or transferred to other hospitals, alert message would be prop-up for reminding staff that this particular case would require strict isolation.

Our wards are very busy, always crowded with patient. However, we insist to implement the strict isolation strategy for VRE case. For implementation, we explain to our staff, if VRE case is not properly isolated, risk of VRE outbreak may be happened in their workplaces. Our staff are well informed that some of our local hospitals with VRE outbreak, the enhanced control measures would be last for months. Hence, staff know, they will have a lot of hard work, if they have VRE outbreak, for details, please refer to our VRE outbreak news


Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital
Hong Kong SAR, CHINA
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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Hi Barbara

As you know out here in the west we have a very stringent program. Despite the limited number of single rooms in my facility we still continue to isolate patients or cohort under contact precautions. These patients are never cleared as there is no evidence that clearance can be achieved. When these patients are placed on antibiotics, they often revert back to VRE being detected despite many negative screens. One of the highest risk factor for an outbreak and spread is diarrhoea so if you are pressed for rooms and a decision, I would insist on someone with diarrhoea being isolated.

Rosie Lee
Coordinator – Infection Prevention & Management
SMH Service – Royal Perth Hospital

Ph + 61 8 9224 2805 Fax + 61 8 9224 1989
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My managers have asked me to review our current practices of isolating VRE positive patients. This is mainly due to the limited number of single rooms within our facility. I am interested to know how you manage patients who have a positive VRE screen, whether you isolate or not, what risk assessments you undertake to determine as to whether to isolate or not and whether you have introduced a yoghurt regime for these patients and how you then manage these patients.

Thanking you in advance,

Barbara May
CNC Infection Control
Hastings Macleay Clinical Network
Ph. 0255242061
Mo. 0402890677

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