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Re: Intermittent disconnection from Haemofiltration

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Intermittent disconnection from Haemofiltration Re: Intermittent disconnection from Haemofiltration

Penny Spencer

Penny Spencer




HI Pauline
the process may very depending on the haemofilter and the
manufacturer’s recommendation. We currently use the prismaflex h/f and
the patient can be disconnected and the blood circulated for 60-
minutes. If longer than that the manufacture recommends discarding the
circuit. It is unusual that this would happen as you usually time the
procedures when the circuit crashes. It is a bit of a risk for BSI with
the connecting and disconnecting process. Other manufacturers would
possibly have different recommendations
Penny Spencer
Nurse Unit Manager
Critical Care Unit
St John of God – Bendigo
ph. 03 5434 3436
>>> Pauline Bass

22/02/2011 3:19 PM >>>
Intermittent disconnection from Haemofiltration.

I was wondering what happens in other ICUs when a patient is
disconnected from heamofiltration for a short period of time (ie: to
attend CT or OR), and what the practice is regarding the circuit.

ie: Is the filtration circuit is taken down and discarded or, is the
blood returned to the patient and the circuit maintained with saline
running through it and if so, for how long?

For either practice does anyone have an evidence base?



Pauline Bass
Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant
Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology
Alfred Health

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