Home › Forums › Infexion Connexion › Holes in sterile surgical wrap › Re: Holes in sterile surgical wrap
Thomson, Rachel EA
Hi Wendy,
Our CSD Manager has indicated that this issue has not been seen at the
RHH. Please see an extract of her email below;
We have not experienced this but I have no information of what type of
wrap they use. Also we use plastic trays to transport wrapped items to
prevent such things as rips and holes, especially heavier trays.
Carol Barber
Nurse Unit Manager
Central Sterilising Department
Royal Hobart Hospital
GPO Box 1061
Hobart 7001
Kind regards,
Rachel Thomson
Nurse Unit Manager
Infection Prevention & Control
B: 6222 8658
E: rachel.thomson@dhhs.tas.gov.au
—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Beckingham, Wendy
Currently at the Canberra Hospital we are experiencing problems related
to the surgical wrap developing small holes and splits.
I am wondering has anyone else had issues around this in their CSD or
Operating Rooms. If any one has had this issue I am wondering f you
would share your solution to resolve this.
Would love to hear from you on this matter
Wendy Beckingham
CNC Infection Control
The Canberra Hospital
pager 50390 or phone 43695
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