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Re: hanging of IV lines

Home Forums Infexion Connexion hanging of IV lines Re: hanging of IV lines

Beth Bint

Beth Bint




Hi Wendy

Here at Wollongong Hospital we support the practice outlined by Helen Scott at the Nepean Hospital.

Another risk factor that needs to be consider when lines are disconnected is the risk of these lines being reconnected to the wrong patient. Although this represents a low risk of blood borne pathogen transmission, it is not now risk, and can lead to unnecessary anxiety for all those involved.

Beth Bint
CNC Infeciton Prevention and Control
The Wollongong Hosptal, NSW


Good morning

Our question is: does anyone have a policy on when to change IV lines that are used for antibiotics and then left to hang disconnected by the patients bed side?

Would love to hear from you if you do.

Wendy Beckingham
CNC Infection Prevention and Control
ph. (02) 6244 3695 or pager 50390
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