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Hi Joe,
We also do recovery, but also when HCWs come out of the operating theatre into the main complex and remove gloves (ie. wardspersons after helping position patients), then we see if they practice moments 3 or 4.
With regards education, we have posters explaining what the 5 moments are and we incorporate the moments into our mandatory hand hygiene practical competencies which everyone has to do every year.
Auditing is the same as everywhere else, same forms, same principle.
Barriers – none, except we don’t go into the actual operating room, same as with Bronwyn.
As for engagement with medical staff, we tell them that we are auditing everyone for hand hygiene compliance and we tell them that they are included. With all staff, we let them know that we capture data for all personnel.
As I work in theatres as well as the rest of the hospital, they all know who I am and why I’m holding a clipboard! One of our regular CMOs actually comes to tell me how often he’s washed/cleaned his hands so far every day!
Improvements have been that we have now got more standard auditors, and that all the doctors/patients/visitors (the persons who are the hardest to get to comply) and regular hospital staff, all use the new products. This is because a.) they like putting their hands underneath and having it do it for them! and b.) most people like the new products.
Hope that helps!
( mailto:Helen.Scott@healthscope.com.au )
Helen Scott
Clinical Nurse Specialist |
Infection Control |
Anaesthetics & Recovery
Nepean Private Hospital
Kingswood, NSW.
Tel 02 4732 7333 | helen.scott@healthscope.com.au
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>>> On 20/07/2012 at 3:57 pm, in message , Bronwyn Pyke wrote:
Only in recovery and preop with the anaesthetists, not in the actual operating theatre.
Bronwyn Pyke
Infection Control Coordinator
Alexandra District Hospital
PO Box 21
Alexandra, 3714
p: 0357720905
f: 0357720920
From:ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joeanne Bendall
Is anyone doing the National Hand Hygiene 5 Moments audit in an operating theatre? If you are, I would be interested in finding out about your education program, process of auditing, barriers, engagement with medical staff and the improvements you have made.
Our operating theatre is very keen to be involved in participating in the audit
Joe-anne Bendall
Infection Prevention and Control CNC
Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
8 Macquarie St
Sydney 2000
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