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We don’t use them at this stage but have looked at them.
Helen Scott
Infection Control Co-ordinator &
Acute Pain Service Co-ordinator
Nepean Private Hospital
Penrith, NSW.
0247 327333
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>>> On 7/09/2011 at 10:27 am, in message , SAWMH.ICC wrote:
Good morning Everyone,
I have a few questions today on disposable curtains and their use in general and Transmission based precaution rooms. The company claims that the curtains in anti-microbial and can hang for up to 12 months, unless contaminated. Does anyone currently uses these curtains in your facilities, and if so:
1. How often do you change them?
2. Do you throw them out when a patient gets discharged from a Transmission based precautions room?
3. If it gets thrown out, do you do it for all organisms, or just for Droplet and Contact spread organisms?
Thank you
Marlize Infection Prevention and Control is Everybody’s Business
Marlize Senekal
Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital
Wickham Terrace
Spring Hill, Brisbane
Ph. (07) 3834 4328
Ext. 4328, Pager 0328
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