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Re: Footwear in operating suite

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Matthias Maiwald (KKH)

Matthias Maiwald (KKH)





I know my opinion may not be popular, perhaps “politically incorrect”, but this appears to be a classical case where the onus to provide evidence should be with those who want to change standard, internationally accepted practice. Standard practice is to have footwear that can be easily cleaned or disinfected and is confined to the theatre area.

The question should be: “If anyone would like to change practice and wear outside footwear in operating theatres, then please show me the evidence that wearing outside footwear is NOT associated with an increase in infection rates as opposed to wearing easy-to-clean footwear confined to theatres”.

I am almost certain that some of the US AORN papers and recommendations would have some details on this, as they are usually quite detailed.

It is also a matter of common sense. Outside footwear may have been worn in mud, bring in dirt, etc., and is uncontrolled in that regard, whereas footwear confined to the theatre area has never left it.

Best regards, Matthias.

Matthias Maiwald, MD, FRCPA
Consultant in Microbiology
Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natl. Univ. Singapore
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
100 Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 229899
Tel. +65 6394 8725 (Office)
Tel. +65 6394 1389 (Laboratory)
Fax +65 6394 1387

Hi All,
I have been asked to provide evidence regarding the wearing of outside footwear in the operating theatres. A couple of surgeons at our facility have expressed concern that outside footwear is a risk and I am unable find very little evidence to convince them otherwise. Most references do recommend closed in footwear that can be easily cleaned, but this seems to be more OS&E related, rather than infection prevention and control.

The same surgeons don’t seem to think that wearing scrubs outside the complex or the hospital is a risk though!

Does anyone have any thoughts on this one?


Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John of God Subiaco Hospital

Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008
P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:
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