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Re: Footwear in operating suite

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Footwear in operating suite Re: Footwear in operating suite

Michael Wishart

Michael Wishart




Hi Barbara
My thoughts are that any changes in standard practice should have evidence to show the change will NOT increase infection risks. Maybe they would be willing to enter into a long term study (would need to be long term, as to show a rise in overall infection rate would take quite a sample size). Good luck in them getting ethics approval for such a study though! I also doubt the majority of orthopods and cardiothoracic surgeons would support such a study….
There was an old document published in the UK about rituals in theatres, it has some interesting thoughts about some of these things. It is mainly opinion based, but might be worth sending to the questioning surgeons as the basis for some further discussion!
This document suggests overshoes are actually more problematic than they are worth, but we still need to keep operating room floors clean.
I won’t comment much on the wearing of theatre clothes except to say think there is so little evidence to support this from an surgical site infection prevention perspective. It is mainly about controlling the risk of BBF exposures to other parts of the hospital as far as I am concerned.

Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3326 3523
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Hi All,
I have been asked to provide evidence regarding the wearing of outside footwear in the operating theatres. A couple of surgeons at our facility have expressed concern that outside footwear is a risk and I am unable find very little evidence to convince them otherwise. Most references do recommend closed in footwear that can be easily cleaned, but this seems to be more OS&E related, rather than infection prevention and control.

The same surgeons don’t seem to think that wearing scrubs outside the complex or the hospital is a risk though!

Does anyone have any thoughts on this one?


Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John of God Subiaco Hospital

Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008
P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:
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