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Re: Electronic Sensor Taps

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Electronic Sensor Taps Re: Electronic Sensor Taps

Jane Barnett

Jane Barnett




I agree with comment about loss of power as it clearly then makes them unusable as your back up generator may only support ‘essential’ power needs- we lost both power and water in our EQ though so had to resort to alcohol gel anyway! However, in a private new build facility I’m involved in we’ve planned to install only in theatre scrub bays and procedure room scrub bays partly for these reasons and partly cost. They are installed in our neonatal unit here and there were issues with sensitivity of them initially (triggering when someone walks past) but I’m sure they have improved the design considerably since these were installed (7 years ago).

Jane Barnett
Infection Prevention & Control Nurse Specialist
Christchurch Women’s Hospital
3644510 or int 85510
Pager 5200

—–Original Message—–
Hi Sue,
You need to think about how will they work without power. If they are not on the uninterrupted supply then staff will be unable to use them if the power is out. One facility I worked at also had an issue with water temperature with these taps as you could not run them to allow the temperature to increase. This is more of an installation issue rather than a tap issue though. Maintenance and repair costs are also more than hand operated taps and need to be considered over the life of the product.
Cheers Matt

Matt Mason
RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICP

Lecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
James Cook University
Thursday Island
Qld, 4875

P: (07) 4069 2670
I: +61 7 4069 2670
F: (07) 4069 2627

JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J

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