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Re: Draft National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for consultation – AICA submission

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Draft National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for consultation – AICA submission Re: Draft National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for consultation – AICA submission

Claire Boardman

Claire Boardman




Please note that the deadline for response to the Autralian Healthcare Standards is on Friday 15th October (previously circulated on Infexion Connexion). As discussed in my President’s address to the members at the recent AICA conference your input is highly desired and encouraged. If you read the document (just the Infection Control component) and it makes no sense or you think something might be missing/not clear then please put your comments in writing and send to

This may be our only chance to have a say so please take the time to review these 6 essential pages. (40-47). Links to the document are available on the AICA website.

Claire Boardman
(President AICA)

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