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Antony Shannon
We here in Dunedin are trialing a full set for 1 year in our ICU as per
the manufacturers instructions. We are using the antimicrobial
inpregnated ones, which here in NZ cost between $55 – $80 a set. However
I have managed to locate some othere, imported from the UK as all of
them seem to be these days, which are significantly cheaper but do not
have the antimicrobial coating. As yet we are not trialling them.
So far there has been a positive respons eto them, apart from the need
to make sure you have a the correct track fitting, we didn’t, and hence
they come off of our tracks a little bit more frequently then expected.
They do ‘sponge’ clean to remove small markings/stainings. They provide
excellent shielding between patients (we have an open barn style ICU),
look attractive -we went with the deep blue, and give some noise
deadening ability as well.
I hope that is of some use.
Antony M Shannon | CNS | Infection Prevention & Control – Dunedin | Te
Tari Arai me te Pupuri Uruta – Otopoti | Southern DHB
Private Bag 1921, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand | office: 03 474 0999 |
mob: 027 600 4869 | fax: 03 470 3876 |
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