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Re: Disposable Patient curtains

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Disposable Patient curtains Re: Disposable Patient curtains

Wishart, Michael

Wishart, Michael




[Posted on behalf of Joanna Harris – Moderator]

I’m looking forward to members’ responses to this one.
We had a very brief look at these last year – for our ICU – after the manager lost his cool when half of his very expensive newly purchased curtains got lost in the laundry, and the others came back looking dreadful because the fabric cannot go through our laundry’s ironing machine…………..
These curtains are very widely used in the UK nowadays, and look very smart. They also have the advantage of a place to write the date so you can tell when curtains were last changed (in the UK there are guidelines to tell people how often they should be changed according to the risk category of the setting).
I’m thinking they must be a lot cheaper over there though (a bigger market perhaps) as our senior exec just wouldn’t bear the cost of approx $50-$60 each.


Joanna Harris
Nurse Manager, Infection Management and Control Service (IMACS)

Level 1, Lawson House
The Wollongong Hospital
LMB 8808

Dear All,

Does anyone use disposable antimicrobial patient curtains or disposable shower curtains?

If so, has the product met expectations?

Is there any information available re: cost, recycling, infection control benefits?

Angela Conte
Infection Control
Balmain Hospital

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