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Beth Bint
Thank you
Beth Bint
Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Management and Control Service
Level 1 Lawson House, Wollongong Hospital 2500, NSW
Tel. 02 4222 5898 | Fax. 02 4222 5367 | beth.bint@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au
Hi Beth,
The problem I see is that the scrubbed personnel will have to walk past the patient’s bed through an area open to the general corridor; entering the OT through the same door as people going in and out. There is a potential for being collided with by porters and other staff entering or leaving the theatre.
The enclosed scrub area is a good feature; but there is only one way in and out; another potential for contamination.
It would be ideal to have a flow into the scrub area and then to the OT without backtracking or having to mix with general traffic.
Prue Wright
Infection Control Co-ordinator
Hurstville Private
Good Afternoon
We are currently undertaking the design of a new theatre suite. During this process discuss has arisen regarding the need for dedicate doorways to exit the scrub bays into the operating theatre, compared single doorway for entering and leaving the scrub bay and then using a shared corridor ‘entrance bay’ to enter the theatre. See table below for illustration of flow. Could you please advise if your theatres have this layout and if there have been any issues arise from this.
We would also be interested in opinions regarding the potential hazards associated with this design.
Opening doors
patient bed
anaesthetic bay
No door –>
Scrub sinks
theatre corridor
Thank you for your assistance
Beth Bint
Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Management and Control Service
Level 1 Lawson House, Wollongong Hospital 2500, NSW
Tel. 02 4222 5898 | Fax. 02 4222 5367 | beth.bint@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au
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Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice
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