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Re: cvc & other IV device bung/port cleaning protocol

Home Forums Infexion Connexion FW: cvc & other IV device bung/port cleaning protocol Re: cvc & other IV device bung/port cleaning protocol

Joeanne Bendall

Joeanne Bendall




That’s correct Jayne
NSW Ministry of Health sent out a Safety Alert in September 2010 in response to this incident



Joe-anne Bendall
Infection Prevention and Control CNC
Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
Macquarie St

Hi Jayne,

Recently there was a case when a woman was injected with clear chlorhexidine by error – she was having an epidural inserted .

Because of this; it is preferred that prep for lines be dyed. This also has the advantage of being able to see what parts of the skin have been prepped.

The ICU I used to work in used “lollipops”; so there could be no error.


Prue Wright

Infection Control Co-ordinator
Hurstville Private

Hi Jayne,
Currently, the CDC Guidelines, along with NICE (UK), SHEA (USA), INS (USA) and AVA (USA), ESPEN (Europe) and IVNNZ (New Zealand) all recommend 2% CHG with 70% IPA.
It’s is pretty much the worldwide standard for skin antisepsis prior to inserion of a IV device (peripheral or central), as well as hub/cap/valve decontamination on any IV device.

Never heard of it being injected into the patient! I would be interested to see your ID physicians supportive evidence to show any accidental injection of CHG & IPA into the patient and any detriments it may have.

The evidence speaks correctly. I would base your policy from “evidence-based research and practices’, not speculation from various individuals.

There is plenty of supportive literature.

Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
Clinical Nurse Consultant | Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition Service
Conjoint Lecturer, University of NSW
Dept of Critical Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital, Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
Tel 02 8738 3603 | Fax 02 8738 3551 | Mob 0409 463 428 | |
Dear All,

We are currently revising our CVC policy and just wondering what everyone used for cleaning the ports? All evidence points to 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol, but we have had conflicting advice from our ID physicians due to safety issues of injecting chlorhexidine into lines?

Look forward to responses.

Kind Regards


Jayne O’Connor RN, Infection Control
Clinical Nurse Consultant- Infection Prevention & Control
Sydney Adventist Hospital,
185 Fox Valley Rd,.
NSW 2076.

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