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Paul Smollen
Cathy I would consider contacting the PEP services that are offered by
most states. NSW, Vic, SA and WA all have a PEP services for the
community that covers sexual exposure, IUD sharing and community
The NSW PEP service is run by Albion St Centre
http://www.rightnow.acon.org.au/pep I know it is extremely rare to
place a community needlestick on PEP unless the needle had directly come
from another person. If a person is placed on PEP it is the same PEP
pack given to sexual exposures and follow up at the hospitals that
administer PEP is with the HIV CNC.
Hope that helps.
Paul Smollen
Project Manager, Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)
Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
NSW 2000
T: (02) 9269 5586 |F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:
Behalf Of Cathy Mowat
Just wondering how other places manage those from the community who
present to the Emergency Department following a blood or body fluid
exposure incident? Often our staff packs are used to manage the incident
which sends the results back to us in infection control. We are
considering that maybe a community exposure management pack should be
developed and used for these people- the number of presentation is
fairly low.
Cathy Mowat
Infection Control
Central Gippsland Health Service
Sale Victoria 3850
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