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Hi Lesley,
I am interested on the CDC Reference Guidelines- Design and Construction Standards, however I would not locate it in CDC website, hence would you please specify relevant hyperlink.
Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348 email:sony@ha.org.hk
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Hi Maureen , You will find references in the following ,
1.CDC Reference Guidelines- Design and Construction Standards.
2. Australian Health Facility Guidelines- Part E.
3. HB 260-2003 Hospital Acquired Infections Engineering down the Risk – Standards Australia
Kind Regards and good luck.
Lesley Alway
Strategic Health Resources.
107 Mountain View Rd
Briar Hill.
Hi All
We are preparing to commission our new hospital; does anyone have links to good guidelines for microbiological commissioning please? If anyone has recently moved into a new hospital/addition in the last few years do you have any hot tips of what to watch out for, what to do or NOT do?
Maureen Cremin
Regional Infection Control Co-ordinator
Great Southern Region
Southern Country Health Service
PO Box 252, Albany WA 6330
Phone 9892 2211 Fax 9892 2581 Page 171
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