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Re: CJD Risk Classification

Home Forums Infexion Connexion CJD Risk Classification Re: CJD Risk Classification

Michael Wishart

Michael Wishart




Hi Kathy

I believe the difference here is symptoms. It is difficult to quantify the risk of transmission in these instances, but if symptoms are present then the risk transmission has occurred is markedly increased. Tihs group of patients has not yet been diagnosed with CJD, but are a possibility because of their possible risk of previous exposure, hence high risk.

No symptoms leaves them in a low risk.

That is how I have always understood this, anyway.


Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3326 3523
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[Posted on behalf of Kathy Wilson – Moderator]

Just need some clarification on the classification of high risk and low
risk patients, Appendix 1 (high risk)under accidentally transmitted
risk factors include treatment with human cadaver pituitary growth
hormone, gonadotrophin or human dura mater graft and exposure to
surgical instruments that have come into contact with higher infectivity
tissues previously used in a case of definite or probable human prion
disease. And in Appendix 2 (low risk) Recipients of cadaver-derived
human pituitary hormones before 1986 Dura mater grafts before 1990 and
individuals involved in a lock back from exposure to surgical
instruments that have been used on high or medium infective tissue from
patients later to be found to have contracted CJD.
What determines if these patients are high risk or low risk?

Kathy Wilson
Castle Hill Day Surgery
72-74 Cecil Ave Castle Hill
NSW 2154
Phone 02 88500500
Fax 02 88503011

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