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Re: cardiac catheter lab skin preparation

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Re: cardiac catheter lab skin preparation Re: cardiac catheter lab skin preparation

Catina Eyres

Catina Eyres




Hi Lindy,
Thanks very much for the detailed answer. Much appreciated.

Catina Eyres
Nurse Consultant
Infectious Diseases & Infection Control
Bendigo Health
PO Box 126 Bendigo 3552
p 03 5454 8414 (Infection Control)
p 03 5454 8422 (Infectious Diseases)
f 03 5454 8419
m 0409 230 871
pager 023

—–Original Message—–

Dear Catina

as per Micheal we have our cath lab use 2% CHG in 70% alchol for skin
(although We have said Ok to pts with sensitive skin & groin areas
where some pts are very sensistive & have been complaining about
burning from the alcohol to use the povidine iodine skin prep ) ……
Given that Adams et al 2005 JHI ‘Evaluation of 2% CGH in 70% isoprol
alcohol disinfectant’ indicated that a Log 10 reduction factor in cfu/ml
of S. epidimidis was 4.7 with 2%CHG in 70%IPA and 4.4 in 10% aqueous
povidine iodine (all others compared were >> 22/06/2010 2:54:06 pm >>>
Hi Catina

We recently moved over to alcoholic 2% chlorhexidine as a skin prep
all of our interventional cardiovascular procedures at the request of
our consultants. Apparently they had seen some evidence to support
Queensland Health has provided a position paper which supported this
we think of cardiovascular access as intravascular, so we were happy
comply with our consultants’ request.

The QLD Health document can be found here:

Hope this helps.


Michael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator

GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
Newdegate Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
e: | w:

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Behalf Of Catina Eyres

I’m wondering what other institutions use for skin preparation when
performing angiograms and placing permanent implantable devices ie.
Pacemakers, ICD, etc.

Catina Eyres
Nurse Consultant
Infectious Diseases & Infection Control
Bendigo Health
PO Box 126 Bendigo 3552
p 03 5454 8414 (Infection Control)
p 03 5454 8422 (Infectious Diseases)
f 03 5454 8419
m 0409 230 871
pager 023

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