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Re: Blood stream infection

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Blood stream infection Re: Blood stream infection

John Ferguson

John Ferguson




Hi Deb

Most of us I think adapt the NHSN approach – ie,
a) ‘significant’ bacteraemia – as per CLABSI
b) no other apparent primary site of infection or disseminated (I guess this will be debated – endocarditis or disciitis would constitute secondary sites; skin or soft tissue or pneumonia would be primary sites)
c) presence of cannula within 48 hrs of the event or evidence of local site infection where a cannula was placed previously


Dr John Ferguson
Director, Infection Prevention & Control, Hunter New England Health
Tel 61 2 4921 4444 | Fax 61 2 4921 4440 | Mob +61 428 885 573 | |


Hello everyone

Are there any Infection Prevention teams out there working with a
local or adapted definition for surveillance of Peripheral IV cannula associated BSI?

If so I would be delighted to hear from you.

Many thanks
Kind regards

Deb Rhodes
Infection Prevention Project Nurse
Infection Prevention & Healthcare Epidemiology Unit
m 0429418495
p 4066
t 03 90763139 e

Alfred Health
55 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
PO Box 315 Prahran
VIC 3181 Australia


Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and Sandringham Hospital

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