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Hi Michael
Don’t think we are using in OT but it has disposable sheets you can use
on it.
Robyn Birch CNC
Infection Control
Mast. Adv. Prac., CICP
(07) 3488 3518
0412 585 099
>>> Michael Wishart 8/2/2012 1:16 pm >>>
Out theatre has been proactive in trying to reduce manual handling
injuries, and one of the practices involves transfer of bariatric
patients (currently for this practice defined as greater than 100kgs I
think ). A transfer device (air assisted safe patient handling device)
is placed under the patient prior to surgery, and remains under the
patient until after the procedure and goes with the patient to the ward.
The issue is about the specific device they use, which some surgeons are
complaining could be a risk of increasing infections for certain
surgical procedures (like joint replacements). The transfer device used
is a reusable mat (with a wipable cover) which is filled with air with a
pump (*blower*) to transfer the patient onto the operating table, then
the air is released from the mat prior to commencing the procedure. The
reverse occurs after the procedure is complete to transfer the patient
off the operating table. The current argument is mainly around air
movement within the operating room, as the surgical instruments are
already set up and exposed within the operating room during the use of
the air assisted transfer device.
Does any other facility use this kind of patient transfer device in
their operating theatres, or has anyone evaluated such a system and
rejected it because of potential to increase surgical site infection
Any thoughts on this would be of value.
Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t:(07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3326 3523
e: Michael.Wishart@hsn.org.au
w:www.holyspiritnorthside.org.au (
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