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Home Forums Infexion Connexion ACHS CI for SSI Re: ACHS CI for SSI

Michele.Cullen@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: ACHS CI for SSI In-Reply-To:

Michele.Cullen@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: ACHS CI for SSI In-Reply-To:




Dear Michael
The reason for two procedures for Hips and Knees (if both performed on the
one day is that they are two procedures – two incision sites and should be
two separate set-ups for OR.
Multiple numbers of coronary grafts are performed through the one incision
hence should be one procedure.
I think …………..


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Michele Cullen
Infection Control Consultant | Communicable Disease Prevention and
Control | Public Health
Department of Health | 50 Lonsadale Street, Melbourne, Victoria,
p. 03 9096 5094 | f. 1300 651 170

| From: |
|Michael Wishart |
| To: |
| Date: |
|13/07/2012 03:08 PM |
| Subject: |
|ACHS CI for SSI |
| Sent by: |
|ACIPC Infexion Connexion |

Hi all

Another question on something different at a new employer. This one may
just be me not being up to date, though.

For the purposes of ACHS Infection Control Clinical Indicators 1.1-1.4 (hip
and knee prostheses) how many facilities report bilateral prosthesis
procedures as TWO procedures in their denominator (not a single procedure).
ACHS have confirmed to us this is what they expect, which surprised me a

Since there is a single CMBS / ICD-10 code for bilateral procedures such as
these, I have only ever known reporting these as one procedure, and I
wondered whether other ICPs are familiar with this ACHS requirement. Might
be worth checking with whoever collates your denominator for these
indicators if you are unsure.

I have to then wonder about coronary artery bypass graft procedures. does
anyone report these by the number of grafts performed, or only as one
procedure regardless of the number of grafts? We didnt specifically ask
ACHS about this, but looking at the interpretation of procedure for hip
and knee prostheses, I have to wonder. Ie

Multiple procedures on an individual patient should be counted separately
(eg hip
prosthesis and knee prosthesis);

Looking at the way the indicators are worded, note:

1.1 Total number of hip prothesis procedures performed


1.5 Total number of coronary artery bypass graft procedures

Thanks for any thoughts (including letting me know I am way behind the
times here!).


Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3326 3523
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