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Dear Sir,
I have a query .May be will sound funny but in my practice I have situation with cross contamination .The problem is one of the volunteers doctors helping in the clinic is not using plastic sleeves when using etch gel and Fissure sealant .Only the plastic tip will be changed and not covered with plastic sleeves to avoid cross contamination with saliva between patients. I have tried to explain her but she refuses to imply Infection control practices in our Facility because she sees that what I am suggesting is wrong and she is right.
Please can you help me? Is there some studies regarding the danger with cross contamination when using syringes to a multiple patients without putting sleeves plastic protection? Is there any one who is involved and practice in Dental to give me suggestions? We are having fissure sealant Program in our Medical District and students are from age to 8.
Thanks & Regards
An Chobanon
In charge in Dental & Infection control coordinator
School Health facility, RAK
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