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Maree Sommerville
Dear all,
I am reviewing MHW policy on Accidental sharing of breast milk (wrong
baby to mother or expressed breast milk to wrong baby). We would have 1
or 2 of these per year.
Our testing regime at the time of the incident includes:
* Donor Mother:
o HIV Abs, Hep C Abs, Hep B sAg, CMV
o Sample of milk for CMV.
o Lifestyle risk assessment.
* Recipient Mother:
o HIV Abs, Hep C Abs, Hep B sAg, CMV
* Recipient Baby:
o Saliva and Urine for CMV
* Follow up for baby is at 3 months and 6 months
I am interested in knowing how this compares with other organisation’s
Should the follow up be more rigorous if the donor mother is positive
for BBV or has high risk behaviour and if so what should it be?
If the Breast Milk has been frozen, what difference does this make in
deciding how to follow up?
There is not a lot of literature on this subject.
The available literature discusses the likelihood of transmitting BBV
via breast milk.
* Transmission for the Hepatitis group is low via breast milk
* HIV and CMV are more likely
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Maree Sommerville
Infection Control Nurse Consultant
Mercy Hospital for Women
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg, Victoria, 3084
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