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International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) 2011

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  • #68724
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    [Posted on behalf of AICA Executive – Moderator]

    October 16-22nd October 2011 will be the 25th Anniversary of IIPW. AICA has signed as a supporting partner of APIC to promote and highlight the importance of both Infection Prevention and to promote and celebratethe work of Infection Preventionists globally.

    All AICA members are invited to visit the AICA website and follow the links to IIPW

    All AICA members are also invited to use any information, tools, and resources available on the APIC website to assist in promotion of IIPW in their health care facility.

    Webinars will be available shortly and all AICA members will have full access to these

    Kind Regards,

    Nicola Isles
    On behalf of AICA Executive

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