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Infection Control Conference Hobart 29-30 September

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    Dear Colleagues

    Attend the Tasmanian Infection Control Conference – Hobart 29th and 30th September & spend a weekend in Tassie!
    On the 29th and 30th Sept the Tasmanian Infection Control Association is holding an infection control conference in Hobart.
    The TICA conference has an exceptional line up of speakers and is attracting one of the world’s most high profile and sought after speakers in the area of healthcare associated infections Dr Stephanie Dancer. Dr Dancer will be discussing the role of cleaning and prevention of infections in addition to issues related to antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance. This is the only time she is speaking in Australia and has never spoken in Australian before.
    The conference is also attracting some of Australia’s leading experts and speakers in their respective fields.

    Registration for the two day conference starts at $220.
    Registrations are filling up quickly and we urge you to book early. Similarly industry opportunities for a booth have nearly sold out.
    Due to national restructures it is unlikely that Tasmania will hold such a high profile conference in infection control for several years. We encourage you not to miss this opportunity.
    For more details including registration:
    For details about the conference please see –
    Tasmania Visitor Information:

    Kind Regards
    Saffron Brown
    Co-opted Treasurer (April 2011)
    Tasmanian Infection Control Association
    GPO Box 2041
    Hobart 7001

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