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Beth Bint
Hi Joan
In our facility we have adopted a risk management approach to the management of MROs, particular in outpatient and procedural areas. We have recognised that the risk of transmission is largely based on HCW compliance with standard precautions eg: hand hygiene and cleaning of equipment between patients.
In these settings the patients have short admission durations therefore environmental contamination by the patient is very limited in comparison to overnight admissions etc.
In these settings we do not isolate patients, nor do we undertaken “terminal cleans”. We have educated staff to maintain a high commitment to hand hygiene, clean between, the wearing of aprons for all patients when direct contact with the patient and the staff members clothes is anticipated, and reducing the dependence on gloves as standard PPE if contact with blood and body substances is not anticipated.
By implementing this strategy staff have a heightened awareness to the value of implementing standard precautions which reduces the risk of transmission of microorganisms regardless of their resistance status.
Patients privacy better maintained in these settings as make-shift isolation bays with signs attached are no longer indicated.
We have a draft procedure for this on trial which we hope to finalise soon.
Beth Bint
Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Management and Control Service
Level 1 Lawson House, Wollongong Hospital 2500, NSW
Tel. 02 4222 5869 | Fax. 02 4222 5367 | beth.bint@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au
—–Original Message—–
From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Cronin, Joan
Sent: Friday, 26 April 2013 11:28 AM
Subject: Outpatients clinics, Endoscopy clinics and Radiolgy- How are VRE and MRSA Patients dealt with
I would like to know what other hospitals policy and proceedures are with Micro alerted patients (VRE, CRE & MRSA positive and their contacts) coming into Outpatient clinics, Endoscopy units and Radiology?
Are they isolated and transmission based precautions used? In Endoscopy units are they recoveed in the suite or recovery room?
Any information is greatly appreciated.
Joan Cronin
Clinical Nurse- Infection Prevention & Management | Fremantle Hospital & Health Service | Tel 08 9431 3220 | Page 4101 | Fax 08 9431 2764 | Email joan.cronin@health.wa.gov.au
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