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Re: Benchtop steriliser water and steam quality specifications. [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Benchtop steriliser water and steam quality specifications. Re: Benchtop steriliser water and steam quality specifications. [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Roel Castillo

Roel Castillo




Hi Beth

Please refer to AS 4815 for office based reprocessing and AS 4187 for healthcare facilities reprocessing of reusable medical devices. Bowie Dick test and Helix test are process challenges to ascertain your sterilisers function as required, depending on the steriliser, BD is used to measure air removal and steam penetration, helix challenges the efficacy of the method in attaining the set parameters for sterilisation.
Steam quality as required should have 97% dryness fraction and water quality in today’s standards would recommend RO quality, but in the current standards it does not require it yet. A good perusal of the aforementioned standards is worthwhile.


Roel Castillo
Project Officer – SSD

Hi Beth

I am not an expert in this area but I know that the staff use distilled water in the Lisa sterilisers that are used in dental .

The steam quality specifications – isn’t this your Bowie Dick and Helix test.

The water reservoir in the Lisa is cleaned following the manufacturer instructions ( I believe this is an alcohol solution)

If you need any further help with this, I can put you in touch with the dental manager


Melissa McEwan RN, BN, Grad Cert Infect Control
Quality Manager
Contractor to Defence
Wagga Wagga
02 69338338
Private mobile 0428 753783

Hi All

Hoping someone can offer some advice.

We have not be able to find definitive specifications for water and steam quality required for benchtop sterilisers (Dental Autoclaves).

We have two questions:

1. Some manufacturers suggest the use of distilled or de-ionised water. If a water distiller is used how is the water quality controlled when refilling the reservoir?

2. What are the steam quality specifications for benchtop sterilisers, and where is the reference for these?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Beth Bint

Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Management and Control Service
Level 1 Lawson House, Wollongong Hospital 2500, NSW
Tel. 02 4222 5869 | Fax. 02 4222 5367 |



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